Friday, November 9, 2007

Be patient!

As a worship pastor of a church plant there are so many things you want and yet have to wait for. Let me start by saying enjoy the process and do all that you can while waiting. Through the last few months I have seen a few church plant that have failed because people jumped the gun. As a worship pastor your area is no different. Do it by yourself and wait for good musicians. Dont just put someone up cause they claim to play. One of the most important things for me was to find a good drummer. not a drummer that can keep a beat, but a drummer that was solid rythmically, and creative with how he played. A good drummer understands dynamics of songs, when to play and when not to, what certain portions of the songs need what vs. others. You dont want to have to explain this everytime and how to do it. You want a solid drummer. I found a drummer that has been very beneficial to the worship team. But obviously we dont want him burned out. However God brought us another drummer who I discovered last night. I am looking forward to actually having two drummers. FIND A GOOD DRUMMER. DO NOT MOVE UNTIL THAT TIME. The reason you want quality is because if you function just on who ever shows up you will risk being a distraction to the people in your congregation. When your drummer is off beat all the time and your guitarist can't keep rythm or chords and your singers are all off pitch then it is very difficult to facilitate worship. God is an awesome God and I want to do the best I can for Him because he deserves it. So be patient and pray for God to bring connections your way. You will be so glad you waited.