Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A successful life

...is often thought of as someone who has made it to the top of a corporate ladder, or someone who has enough money to do what ever he wants with, or someone who becomes a celebrity or who writes the newest hottest song. We are painted this picture everyday by what this world pursues as success. As if success is determined by the eyes and hearts of people.

I asked my Dad one time "what is success to you, how do you know you have been successful in life", he said "if I can come home and lay down for the night knowing I obeyed God, worked as hard as I could to be a faithfull business man, and loved my family the best I could, then I was successful today". I thought wow that is completely opposite of what our world teaches us as success.

As a worship leader or really any kind of leadership position in the ministry we are tempted to have everyone's approval in order for us to feel successful . So many become addicted to a crowd or the eyes of people that they forget why they are doing what they are doing. And yet at the end of the day this is not success. But like Prov. 27:21 says, "the crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but man is tested by the praise he receives".

Let us strive to make God huge like it says in John 3:30, and not become addicted to our positions and being in front of people but to realize that success is found each day in loving Jesus with all you are and obeying him, being faithful in the areas that we are called to serve "positional ministry" or not, and loving our families above all else. Here we will find true success, leading a mega-church or just being a faithful painter who loves his family.

One last thought. This is a story of a man who is a gifted worship leader and songwriter. He said one time God was speaking to him through his children. After a long day's work he came home, walked in the front door and was takled by his three young children who were excited that he was home. Admidst the love and kisses they poured on him, the Lord spoke to him, "this is as famous as you'll ever need to be." I love that, if we could all just learn it."

Thanks to my Dad for being such a great role model.
This is just some thoughts I was having today, thought I would share.

...that the lamb would receive the reward of His suffering
