The other night my wife and I were driving home from Gillette after visiting some family. On the way home she was working on a resume and so I decided to grab my ipod and see what I was in the mood for. I cycled through all my normal rock stuff I listen to and landed on some old Dennis Jernigan stuff (if anyone even knows who that is these days). lol. Anyways I was inspired by some of my old favorites and there driving home with the sun going down, it was a beautiful moment. I love to worship God. I love that it doesnt have to be Saturday to do it, I love that the songs don't have to be the right style, I love that it doesnt have to be perfect, I love that I don't even have to sing, but my soul can just connect with God. I love that. So from there I found some United, then Desperation, and just worshipped my heart out and felt so revived. I needed this. I love that we can worship God where ever and when ever, for example Grant's most recent post. I felt so alive and thats what I love about worship, its not that its just about music although that is my favorite element in worship, but I can connect with the heart of God and be fueled to fight the fight. Ahhhhh! Yes, I am getting excited just typing this. Anyways just thought I would share.
For the Lamb's reward!