Its amazing the short little things you can learn in life in some of the oddest ways. Here is the lesson: (and by the way maybe its the same way with kids, but I dont have them so this is how I learn): We discipline our dog because she is wild and learning so much. Its amazing how I can yell or be mad at her just cause she is jumping on me or bites at me or pee's in the house, ect ect. or I could step on her feet or not feed her in time and she could be mad at me, and then I can leave. When I come back an hour maybe 2 maybe less or more, it doesnt matter, she is so excited to see me. I mean she goes nuts. She spins in circles, she jumps like a bucking bronco, she barks, licks, chews, I mean this dog is besides herself that I am home. Now this is the funny part, it never stops. She did it that way day one and she still does it today. Its like she just lets go of all the attitudes (I know what you all are thinking, "does a dog have an attitude"), she forgets that I hurt her or that she hurt me, she just wants ME. See but then my wife or vice versa, can do the dumbest little things and its like "o no you didnt". or Stay away from me. She comes in the door and we are so quick to remember everything that they did or we just simply say Hi with no true excitement. Its like we just can't let go of it. I dont know why this is, but I see it all the time, not even just at home. I think we need to start spinning in circles, jumping like a bronco, bark (HA), lick (whoa), chew (yes) and be beside ourselves when we see each other and are around each other. You know I am talking about our hearts and for some of us it would hurt to have a little external emotion involved. I want for my wife and I to be madly in love till our death and never stop being excited. For most of us it was like that at day 1 and now it needs to come back. Like Cheydan, I hope that she never stops greeting me like that when I come home. So may I love my wife and be PASSIONATE about her like the day I met her till the day I die. Love you Amber.