again this has been, hands down, my favorite aspect of the conference. each speaker is given 12 minutes to deliver their best stuff. This session was in regards to the "FAMILY WORSHIP TABLE". Such good stuff
Ross Parsley -
-- the blended service model is the service model that makes no one happy
-- the next generation "alternative" service divides your church into 2 seperate churches that never cross paths. WOW
-- It takes no skill or expertise for a church to grow older. The challenge lies in remembering to reach down and raise the next generation.
-- church hopping makes you a critic of every church you go to
-- the ONE thing young people want in todays society is to BELONG, and we aren't doing a good job making that possible in a lot of todays churchs
-- we need Abraham, Isaac & Jacob for our churches to be strong and healthy
-- we have sent the kids away to the KIDS table so we can enjoy ourselves. HOLY CRAP!
-- how will each generation learn to serve each other if they never interact.
-- we need the wisdom, experience, and resource of older people mixed with the enthusiasm, zeal, and passion of the youth.
Glenn Packiam -
--20 year influence rule, we influence people 10 years on either side of us, thus the reason for multiple generations on our teams.
-- there must be a seat at the table for all generations
-- the songs they are singing in youth, and college should be the same as sunday morning and vice versa. VERY GOOD!
there is lots more, but thats the good stuff