--- got to see some crazy cool things in new york city this weekend. It blows me away to stand in so many spots that I have seen filmed in the movies. Walking thru central park was very beautiful. The bridges are breath taking. Time square is about as insane as I can handle. Its so hot in the midst of a million people surrounding you. The building are so tall, not sure you knew that or not, but DANG. Ill throw some pics in slide show later.
--- Definently missed being with everyone at element this week. Thank Jesus for a guy like Nathan that can run the show and do a fantastic job. I hope I have a job when I get back. HA. I love what I do and never am glad to be away, its a nice breath'r here and there but I hate being gone.
--- Got a few more spots we are going to hit up tonight and then catching a 6:30am flight out tommorow morning. And jumping into the swing of things for our new series "ROCK BAND". We have a sweet set design coming your way.
--- By the way speaking of set designs we had a cool idea gone bad. We had created words out of PVC pipe that were the "MAIN" idea for each week. Opening week was "DANGEROUS". PVC was painted silver and stretched 28ft. Drilled holes in the back of each letter and then shoved rope light inside to give a glow off of the pipe and drape. It was a cool idea, next time we just have to have more thoughts in for the engineering. It had trouble standing and took a while to put together. So if you were wondering why you didn't see anything new, thats why.
Saying goodbye to the east coast. Until next time.