We had a great life group tonight. We were missing a couple of couples. ha. but we gain a new one. we have been doing the Nooma videos by Rob Bell, which are great discussion starters. Tonight we talked about needing things and really needing things but trusting God to give us what we really need. And only letting Him satisty our hearts desires. But then we had a great discussion of just life. One of the guys in our group brought up the fact that he knows guys that party and live this care free life and how many of them so often have great friendships that develope out of the partying together and such. They look back years later and reflect on the crazy things they did together or camping trips or whatever just being guys and how those times hold a lot of value in their friendship. So we started talking tonight about how as christians we so often make life so serious or always are having these hidden agendas but loose the spark of just good fun and life together. Nothing profound here but we get caught up in doing the right bible study and being at church to fulfill my duty and you know try and bring Jesus into every conversation or event instead of just literally living out our lives for God in everything we do. Every thing we do is for God. And so we can have fun and go camping and serve and read the bible and worship and rock climb and everything we do is for God but we can have fun and create lasting relationship that contain great stories, through lives of integrity and morals. There is a balance but I think that we can have fun for no other reason than having fun together while our lives spill the things of God everywhere we are.
Just a thought.