Hey everyone, Its a beautiful morning here at the base of the Rockie mountains here in Colorado Springs. My wife and I have had the privelage of being able to jump on the bus of our old youth group as they passed through. Last night was the first night and what an incredible night it was. God was moving. Worship was intense. John Bevere spoke on something really powerfull for all of us at all ages. How a lot of people use the excuse of grace as a cover up to continue sinning vs. the empowerment not to sin. 5 of our students and 1 of our leaders made REAL first time decisions for Christ yesturday. YEA! The heavens are rejoicing. I love it. We were out late and we are up early, are bodies will be tired but God is going to be praised with our lives. Pray for us and the continuing of God igniting a fire inside the hearts of these students that lasts forever.
Loving Jesus,