A couple of weeks ago I was spending some time in my devotions and praying about life and ministry and such. I felt God speak this to me:
Ministry is like a relay race. The kind with a baton. The way we get started determines the way we end. Everyone hands off the baton to the other racer. Its of most importance that the guy in front does the best he can so that the next guy doesn't have to make up the slack of the other guy, which eventually leads to a bad finish for the final guy.
This is why the greeters in the parking lot, the ones folding bulletins, those leading worship, those bringing the word, those dealing with kids, student ministries, and everything else carries huge weight.
I think sometimes we separate ministries. Saying "well, that's the student department and that's the children's, etc". Not realizing that if I drop the baton as a first impressions guy or a youth worker, I potentially damage what God wants to do from the pulpit in someones heart.
As a worship leader, I must make sure I do everything I can to the best of my ability to help people receive what God has for them thru the word God has given pastor Jeff.
I think sometimes we get lazy and don't carry the "weight of the race" and that's when we start dropping batons in ministry. That goes for all areas. People begin to leave and you become a bad steward of the talents and gifts God has given you.
The flip side of that is, the beauty of working hard and to the best of our abilities. When we train hard, the end result is worth it.
We are all in this for one purpose. Many roles, one goal.