Sunday was one of those times you'll never MAKE happen and you'll remember and hold to for a long time. The presence of God was so thick in that room and you Elementers just pressed in for it. Man I was moved and loved meeting with Jesus. I hope all your hearts were moved and brought closer to Jesus.
My band knocked it out Sunday. Take me aside. They worked hard and helped be the conduit for worship to flow thru. Great job Bryant, Jeremiah, Jeremy, Mark, Amanda, Jason, Todd, Ben, Katie. Everyone needs to know how much each of these people mean to me. They are a direct influence on people experiencing life. Thank you for all the time you guys put in.
I brought the team down for the Enter Worship Conference this week. We are starting day two. Last night was a very powerful time of worship and a challenging message. A great start to the week. We are very excited about what God is going to teach us.
Here are a couple team shots:
(We let the ASCENT guys hang in our presence, we all know they wish they were ENTER peeps, LOVE YOU!!)