Thursday, October 30, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about my role as a worship leader lately, and how ministry is so different than any other job I have ever had. Its not just something you leave at work after 5:00pm. And its beyond that. Its more than just taking it home. Its not just a matter of meeting deadlines and counseling appointments after 5. Its deeper than that. There is something that has to take place deep in who I am in order for me to be all I can be in my job. I have been thinking about how important it is as worship leaders for us to WORSHIP. I am not talking about sunday morning. I am talking about our personal time. In order for us to lead good worship we need to become a worshipper. Monday thru Sunday. I remember having times where I just turn on a cd and just worship. I get before God and let him pour into me. I think this is so vital to becoming great worship leaders. What happens in private will come out in public. I think its that way for us as christians. I know a lot of times we come to church on sunday morning and get our FIX. We go to this church or that church that has great worship and we get our FIX. OUR ONLY LASTING FIX IS JESUS. I am a firm believer that if we are getting close with Jesus during our week that sunday will be an overflow of what is happening in our hearts. And that is very much the case for us worship leaders. God has really been challenging me with this. You have to practice what you lead. Get alone with God.

thinking out loud,